The services and products of SURETORQ Europe are Business-to-Business and only available for customers with a valid Chamber of Commerce no. or EEA registration.

Guarantee & Complaints

1. The warranty relating to products only applies to defects caused by faulty manufacture, construction or material.
2. The warranty does not apply in the event of normal wear and tear and damage resulting from accidents, changes made to the product, negligence or improper use by the customer, or when the cause of the defect cannot clearly be established.
3. The risk of loss, damage or theft of the products that are the subject of an agreement between the parties, will pass on to the customer when these products are legally and/or factually delivered, at least are in the power of the customer or a third party who receives the product for the benefit of the customer.

Right of cancellation
1. A customer may cancel an online purchase during a cooling-off period of 14 days without giving any reason, provided that:
- the product has not been used
- the product is not specially tailored for the customer or adapted to its special needs
- the seal is still intact
- the purchase does not concern an (assignment to) urgent repair
- the customer has not renounced his right of cancellation

2. The reflection period of 14 days as referred to in paragraph 1 commences:
- on the day after the customer has received the last product or part of 1 order
- as soon as the customer has received the first product of a subscription
- as soon as the customer has purchased a service for the first time
- as soon as the customer has confirmed the purchase of digital content via the internet
3. The customer can notify his right of cancellation via
4. The customer is obliged to return the products to SURETORQ Europe within 14 days after the notification of his right of cancellation, after which period his right of cancellation will lapse.

1. The customer must examine a product or service provided by SURETORQ Europe as soon as possible for possible shortcomings.
2. If a delivered product or service does not comply with what the customer could reasonably expect from the agreement, the customer must inform SURETORQ Europe of this as soon as possible, but in any case within 1 month after the discovery of the shortcomings.
3. Consumers must inform SURETORQ Europe of this within two months after the detection of shortcomings.   
4. The customer gives a detailed description as possible of the shortcomings, so that SURETORQ Europe is able to respond adequately.
5. The customer must demonstrate that the complaint relates to an agreement between parties.
6. If a complaint relates to ongoing work, this can in any case not lead to SURETORQ Europe being forced to perform other work than has been agreed.